Clay Paky at “Steglitzer Kreisel” in Berlin
Steglitzer Kreisel is the tallest office building in the district of Berlin. At a height of 119 metres, it has incited strong public reaction ever since it was built.
The 1970 town plan of Stegliz included a road round the building, which was under construction at the time. Even though this road was never built, the name Kreisel (circle) remained.
The road now runs under this skyscraper, which architect and building constructor Sigrid Kressmann-Zschach originally planned as a shopping centre. Construction began in 1969 and ended in 1980.
The building contains more than 700 rooms, including the city council offices, the area’s largest hotel, a bank and a number of restaurants and offices. The bus station and a car park take up the underground floors.
Hans-Peter-Stoerl Architects were commissioned to refurbish this area in 2001. Their design included floodlighting of waterfalls used for projecting the local transport logo, using 12.
CP-Color 150E projectors, controlled by a Pulsar Minipiece 54 control unit.
This project was designed with the help of Semperlux S.p.A. from Berlin.
This is a prime example of how an unattractive underground area can be transformed into a spectacular and highly evocative experience.
Clay Paky illuminates “Krystaltech Lynx”
Krystaltech Lynx’s new head office is certainly an impressive sight, with its futuristic design and floodlit façade designed by Mad Music GmbH.
Lighting designer Bernd Wagner gave the Reutling company a brand new look using only 4 projectors: two CP Colors 575 and one V.I.P. 1200 on the front of the building, and one CP Color 575 on the back.
Mad Music managed to complete the lighting system within just a few months of this computer dealer’s move to its new head office at the end of March. Special steel covers were installed as protection against the elements.
The design for Kristaltech Lynx’s new head office was realized by Wulf & Partner Architects from Stuttgart.