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Clay Paky get Pop Happy with European smash girl group K3
Lighting Designer
Luc Peumans
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Belgium – An army of Clay Paky fixtures brightened up kid’s faces across the Benelux as pop sensation K3, kicked of its EYO tour at the Sportpaleis in Antwerp and the Ahoy, Rotterdam.

Prolific lighting designer Luc Peumans employed more than 90 Clay Paky Alpha Beam 1500s and 24 Clay Paky Sharpys to create a magical and dynamic backdrop, bursting with colour, for Flemish / Dutch girl band K3 – who are currently flying high as one of Europe’s biggest pop acts targeted specifically at young children.

The set backdrop was a 600sqm LED video wall and Peumans was looking for a fixture that would compete with that as he explains: “I needed fixtures with a punchy and powerful beam. The Alpha Beam 1500 and the Sharpys were my first choice. The Alpha Beams were used for various beam looks and as backlight specials for the K3 girls and their dancers. I used the frost function to change between softer spots and really punchy beams. I then used the Sharpys to create animated beam effects in the air”.

Clay Paky Sharpys continues to be a huge hit with lighting designers worldwide and across all sectors. They are well known for their unprecedented brightness and perfectly parallel, laser-like beam. Similarly the Alpha Beam 1500 solid, super-concentrated parallel beam and innumerable built-in devices enable designers to shape, size and animate the beam with colour and pattern to deliver some fantastic mid-air effects.

Pio Nahum, chief commercial officer for Clay Paky comments: “Yet again Luc has created an exciting and dynamic lighting design using the Clay Paky range. We’re delighted to see the variety of events and shows he and his company PWL are creating. His work often pushes the feature set of the fixtures to new levels bringing plenty of opportunities to show off how much they can do.”

Client : Studio 100
Lighting designer : PWL – Luc Peumans
Lighting programmer: PWL – Jo Vaes
Production Manager : Jacky Hommers
Lighting equipment: PRG