For over a century, the Friedrichstadtpalast has been one of the main landmarks in Berlin’s night life. Shows with sumptuous sets were already enchanting audiences during the reign of the Emperor Wilhelm, exactly as they do with today’s cosmopolitan public. Over the years, the theatre has changed its name and function several times: founded as a covered market, then used as the“Renz” circus,it has subsequently been called the “Große chauspielhaus“,“Theater des Volkes“, “Palast Varieté“ and finally “Friedrichstadtpalast“, but the spirit and quality of the outstanding performances on its stage have not changed.
20 moving bodies and 40 scanners by Clay Paky provide the light for the stage and the lobby of the theatre, together with many other standard projectors. The impressive lighting system is controlled byMa-Lighting consoles. Both the lighting system and the consoles have been supplied by Lightpower of Paderborn since 1984.
Olaf Eichler, Lighting Director of theFriedrichstadtpalast, has spoken of this close collaboration lasting many years in these terms: ”Lightpower convinced us from the very beginning with its company philosophy –highly professional sales consulting, where you never have the impression that they are out tomake money fast. The company really offers an excellent service, from repairs to advice and technical assistance whilst planning the projects, without overlooking technical support in loco. The range of products they offer stands out for its absolute quality. In addition, our personnel have been able to attend very useful training courses and seminars”.
The Friedrichstadtpalast is the biggest variety theatre in Europe and its 24 metre-wide stage is a real record. Two elements that cannot be missing from any show are the fountain that appears from the understage and thecorps de ballet of 30-50 dancers who move in a single line. The current programme at thePalast offers “Casanova“, “Jingle Bells“, “Münchhausen Junior“, “Rhythmus Berlin“ and “Elf Freunde“.