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“Museo in Mostra” Conservation of our artistic heritage – among the themes of special interest at the annual “Sicurezza” trade fair

The conservation of culture and past history is one of the most important forces in the evolution of human society. The importance of a museum lies in its ability to preserve and display the artefacts of civilization, creating a meaningful link between past, present and future.

Even so, a museum’s tasks of preserving and exhibiting are not always easy to reconcile: temperature, humidity, light and climate, not to mention the visitors themselves, are a constant threat to the works of art on display, and thus need all the care they can get if they are to remain protected and perfectly preserved in the future.

This is why “Museo in Mostra” (literally, the “Museum on Display”) was set up at Sicurezza ’98, the international fair dedicated to safety and automation in buildings, held at the Milan trade fair late last year.

“Museo in mostra” illustrated the fundamental principles of correct design for environments that house works of art, providing the latest and most innovative solutions for safeguarding people and objects in museums. Strategically placed in a tunnel leading to the trade fair entrance, “Museo in Mostra” was divided by subject into six main sections, each of which presented different methods of ensuring the preservation and safety of works of art.

The architect Bourgez managed to combine the utility of the project with a pleasant ambience: the gallery was enhanced by a carefully studied use of light. Display Line, the collection of illumination products by Clay Paky for visual information played a leading role: eight V.I.P. 300 units, nine S.I.P. 300 units and one V.I.P. DIA were used to pick out the logos of “Museo in Mostra” and of the event’s sponsor companies, highlighting pictures and information panels on the walls. The “Museo in Mostra” logo had a particularly strong visual impact as it guided visitors through the half-light at the beginning of the tunnel towards the next area. The effect was created by mounting a continuous-rotation cylindrical multi-element reflector which made it possible for the text to “walk” along the entire available surface.

The logos of the sponsors, including Clay Paky, were inserted in a gobo wheel and projected one after the other, at regular intervals of a few seconds each. A rotating reflector gave the beam a circular motion, creating a pleasant effect of movement.

A V.I.P. DIA projected three different slides which broke down the “Museo in Mostra” into its three main parts, summing up the spirit of the project; lastly, luminous signs were projected onto the walls and floor, giving sponsors maximum exposure while meeting the lighting requirements of the gallery.

Lighting therefore played a leading role in accenting the theme of preserving works of art: the use of Display Line spotlights in the “Museo in mostra” exhibition is a significant example of the creative potential of light for communications, even when tackling serious and complex subjects.

The use of spotlights for visual information is, however, by no means new: in May, the museum of the Holy Shroud in Turin used sixteen V.I.P. units to illustrate the mystery of the sacred relic in a visual religious itinerary. Twenty-one V.I.Ps have been installed in the Te Tongawera museum in New Zealand where they help relate the cultural and historical evolution of aboriginal populations.

Display Line consists of an array of elegant products eminently suitable for use in museums, where “beauty” is a guiding principle: they are perfectly silent, never cumbersome, they have no trailing wires, and their compactness means they can be sited anywhere. Display Line comes with a wide range of accessories: fixed or revolving reflectors, prisms and every type of effect providing endless opportunities for playing with light, creating ever-changing messages and narrative. Display Line is the family of projectors for visual information from Clay Paky, whose products have always been a symbol of unrivalled long-term reliability.

Clay Paky also had its own stand at the Sicurezza fair where it displayed the huge potential and numerous functions provided by Display Line. The product attracted the attention of a large number of visitors, including many involved in display lighting for trade fairs.

“Museo in Mostra” was organized by Intel, the Italian association of lighting engineering, also organizers of the sixth biennial fair of the same name in which Clay Paky will be taking part, alongside leading companies in the field of lighting, electrical and electronic technology.