The Royal Albert Hall was once again the prestigious backdrop for the launch of one of the most long awaited lighting products of the year: the Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 1500. It is the top spotlight in the Alpha range, to which other cutting edge models have also recently been added: the Alpha Profile 1500 beam shaper and the Alpha Wash 1500 washlight. Together they form the most complete and one of the most technologically advanced line-ups currently available in professional lighting.
The demo took place on 20 November 2009, in two parts: the first entailed a “live” show, presented by Durham Marenghi using the rig put together for the Classical Spectacular, which took place the same week at the Royal Albert Hall. The Classical Spectacular is produced by Raymond Gubbay and has now nearly reached its twentieth year (the anniversary will be celebrated in 2010). It is a wonderful blend of classical music with a light show, held twice a year at the famous London concert hall. This year it played host to performances by some of the most internationally prestigious orchestras: the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Choral Society, the London Philharmonic Choir and the Band of the Welsh Guards.
LD, Durham Marenghi, has always been very attentive to technological progress, and often uses innovative technology for his own work with big names in the music business, theatre world and television. The motorized rig for the Classical Spectacular was provided by Stage Electrics, and Clay Paky lights were the leading players: twelve Alpha Spot HPE 1500s, eight Alpha Spot HPE 700s, twelve Alpha Beam 700s and fourteen Alpha Beam 300s. Console: Grand MA.
Durham Marenghi believes that: “The Alpha series and the Classical Spectacular make a perfect combination: I could not imagine a better fusion of a most dramatic classical music Son et Lumiere and the products of one of the leading companies in professional lighting, as regards quality, reliability and innovative capacity, namely Clay Paky”.
The second part of the Clay Paky event was held in the Elgar Room at the Royal Albert Hall. It consisted of a closer look at the Alpha 1500 lights, in particular the new Alpha Spot HPE 1500. Enrico Caironi, Clay Paky Corporate Marketing Advisor, and Marco Zucchinali, project support technician, illustrated all the product features to an audience of trade professionals (lighting designers, directors of photography, rental firm managers, production managers, dealers and the trade press) in a detailed technical demo. The event concluded with an informal get-together between the numerous guests, Clay Paky staff and Royal Albert Hall personnel.
The Alpha Spot HPE 1500 was seen in action for the first time on one of the top stages in the world. It is a 1500 watt moving head spotlight, capable of extremely advanced mechanical, optical and lighting performance. It is amazingly fast and silent with an extraordinary power amplified by a 1:9 zoom, which makes it an extremely versatile light. The graphic system uses three gobo wheels (totalling 20 gobos), an exclusive “animated star gobo”, an animation disc, a prism and all the essential effects to make the Alpha Spot HPE 1500 the most versatile and complete spotlight.
Together with this new light, two others were also introduced: the Alpha Profile 1500 (the most advanced professional beam shaper on the market, which combines the power of a 1500 watt lamp bulb with an exclusive beam shaping system designed and patented by Clay Paky) and the Alpha Wash 1500 (the top washlight in the Alpha range, with CMY device, two colour wheels, a linear CTO device, a wide linear zoom, surprising brightness and utmost beam uniformity at all apertures).
Clay Paky Sales and Marketing Manager Pio Nahum said “it was a highly successful event thanks to the big names involved: the most internationally prestigious orchestras, Raymond Gubbay’s Spectacular production, the support and endorsement from Durham Marenghi – one of the most qualified professional lighting designers in the trade – and the staff of the Royal Albert Hall, who allowed and promoted this event together with Clay Paky”.