Buddylight: your trustworthy followspot
Have you ever dreamed of a light that could follow you everywhere?
Buddylight isn’t just a followspot; it’s a step into the future of entertainment light automation. Say hello to Buddylight, your go-to automated followspot that’s designed to make your lighting experience smooth, hassle-free, and downright enjoyable. Buddylight is your new buddy in achieving seamless, automated tracking of performers and speakers because we believe in maintaining a smooth, efficient experience right at your fingertips.
Ready to light up the stage together? Buddylight – your ultimate buddy in entertainment lighting!
Key features at a glance
Automated Accuracy
Buddylight simplifies followspot operation. It effortlessly tracks the movements of performers and speakers, ensuring your spotlight remains focused on the intended target throughout a performance. It automatically adjusts the focus and intensity of the light as required.

Network Flexibility
Seamlessly integrate Buddylight into your Art-Net or DMX network, managing control priorities with your console. Let it shine independently in standalone mode, showcasing its true potential.
Buddylight adapts to your preferences.

Intuitive Setup
Buddylight’s installation is quick and user-friendly, catering to all types of users.
No more complex configurations, get streamlined, efficient operation: time is of the essence.

Tracking Area
Covering an area of up to 15×15 meters (16.4×16.4 yards), it ensures that performers are always in the spotlight. Simply place the anchors, and let Buddylight take care of the rest.

Tagged for Success
Performers wear tags for quick and easy access to the spotlight’s main functions and automated controls, keeping the focus on the performance, not the technicalities.

Budget-friendly for any venue
Experience high-performance automation without breaking the bank. Perfect for Every Venue: from theatres to auditoriums and conference rooms, Buddylight is your versatile companion.


Your Automated Followspot
Your Automated Followspot
It automatically follows performers and speakers, opening up numerous opportunities. It is highly intuitive and gets the job done!

In an Art-Net or DMX network or in standalone mode
In an Art-Net or DMX network or in standalone mode
The Buddylight can be used either in an Art-Net or DMX network – by setting up control priority management with the console – or in standalone mode, where it truly excels!

15×15 m (16.4×16.4 yards)
15×15 m (16.4×16.4 yards)
The maximum tracking area can extend up to 15×15 m (16.4×16.4 yards). Anchors should be placed to define the space within which performers can improvise freely without worrying about missing their marks on stage.
Tutorial – Part 1
Tutorial – Part 2
Technical Documentation
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Each BUDDYLIGHT box controls one Claypaky fixture: please refer to the table below for the current compatible models and road map.
When the BUDDYLIGHT box is connected to the fixture, the two devices recognize each other automatically.FIXTURE MODEL FROM FW VERSION Arolla Aqua Coming soon Arolla Profile MP Ver V5.4 Arolla Profile HP Coming soon Axcor Profile 600 HID_FW_2.25.006 Axcor Profile 600 HC HID_FW_2.25.006 Axcor Profile 600 HC Teatro HID_FW_2.25.006 HY B-Eye K15 ALEDA_FW_2.26.000 HY B-Eye K15 Aqua Coming soon HY B-Eye K25 ALEDA_FW_2.26.000 Midi B Ver. V5.2 Midi B WW Coming soon Mini B Ver. V5.5 Mini B Aqua Ver. V1.3 Mini B Spot Ver. V1.6 Mini B WW Ver. V5.6 Rhapsodya RHAPSODYA_FW_3.0.800 Scenius Profile HID_FW_2.25.006 Scenius Unico HID_FW_2.25.006 Sharpy Wash 330 HID_FW_2.25.006 Sharpy X Frame Coming soon Sinfonya 600 NP3_FW_3.4.000 Sinfonya 600 Ex NP3_FW_3.4.000
BUDDYLIGHT is an automated followspot system based on the Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) real-time radio tracking technology, working in 2D and 3D dimensions.
The system is composed by:
CPU core of the system, is connected to the moving head to be used as follow spotlight and, if present, to a lighting console. Based on data acquired from the UWB TAGs and ANCHORS, it calculates the position of the performer and accordingly drives PAN, TILT, DIMMER, ZOOM and FOCUS of the connected fixture.UWB NODEs
UWB NODEs are UWB devices that, during the configuration phase, can be configured as:- – TAG, trackers to be worn by the performed to be tracked;
- – ANCHOR, installed on the perimeter of the stage, they delimit the edge of the tracking area.
Battery charging station to be used to recharge NODEs battery. ANCHORs can be installed using HOLDERs to keep the NODE always powered.
The minimum system configuration (BUDDYLIGHT Starter Kit) features:
- #1 Buddylight Box
- #8 Anchors (=> 8 TAG + 8 Holders)
- #2 TAG (=> 1 Actors with 2 TAG or 2 Actors with 1 TAG + 2 Holders)
The maximum system configuration features:
- #4 Buddylight Box
- #8 Anchors (=> 8 TAG + 8 Holders)
- #8 TAG (=> 4 Actors with 2 TAG or 8 Actors with 1 TAG + 8 Holders)
UWB is a short-range wireless communication technology, with good noise immunity, that uses low power levels and wide frequency bands (6.240MHz ÷ 6739.2MHz) far away from BT and WiFi freq.
UWB leverages Time of Flight (ToF), which is a method for measuring the distance between two radio transceivers by multiplying the Time of Flight of the signal by the speed of light, with an accuracy <10cm.
Intended for portable applications, UWB devices are designed to be worn safely in the actor’s stage clothing.
The UWB technology is available worldwide without any licensing for the end user.
The NODE batteries last 8 hours and it takes about 2 hours for a complete recharge.
The maximum tracking area size is 15x15m, however, the lighting fixture may be mounted outside the tracking area.
The TAG is an Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) radio emitter/receiver for measuring the distance between the BUDDYLIGHT box and an actor.
Using the tag ensures the distinction between different actors on stage, each carrying his/her own tag. The tag is at the same time an accelerometer/gyroscope, i.e. it detects changes in positions and movements that allow the software to predict how the actor is moving on stage.
There are three buttons on the tag that can be programmed to manage different functionalities (ex. Dimmer on/off, Dimmer up/down, …). When used as ANCHORs, the buttons have no functions.
Once you have physically installed the system devices, you must connect to the WiFi hotspot of the BUDDYLIGHT BOX and launch the configuration wizard: you will be guided through the steps of the configuration process (around 10 min).
Once configured the system you will be asked to calibrate it. The calibration phase will be guided by the calibration wizard (around 15 min) and requires the usage of the Leica Disto S910 laser meter.
Once the calibration phase is completed, the system is ready to track. Calibration must be performed whenever a device or ANCHOR is physically moved from its original calibration location.
To adapt the response of the prediction algorithm, used to estimate the performer position, the system provides access to several parameters for example fixture speed, actor speed, actor height, and fixture orientation mounting.
The BUDDYLIGHT system is designed to work ‘stand-alone’ but, being also an Art-Net device, it can be also connected to a lighting console. The DMX personality of the BUDDYLIGHT box allows to:
– Enable/Disable the system;
– Select the working modality;
– Select the performer to be tracked.
BUDDYLIGHT is a versatile solution, perfect for every venue: from theatres to auditoriums; from clubs to cruise ships and houses of worship, and conference rooms or company events.
You can find manuals, datasheets, DMX channel charts, photometrics, CAD symbols, spare parts, firmware files, schematics, technical notes, etc… on the new dedicated Claypaky Customer Care website (restricted access).
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