Academic year 2010 – 2011
Permanent Training Course at “Politecnico di Milano” – Indaco dept. – Design Faculty
Direction: Prof. Maurizio Rossi, Politecnico di Milano
Vice direction: Giovanni Pinna, Lighting Designer
The 48-hour course, scheduled for February 2011 is made possible thanks to the contribution of Clay Paky, Spotlight Srl, and sponsored by AIDI, AILD, the Smeraldo theatre and the acting company ‘I Legnanesi’. The course is addressed to professional and graduate technicians and untrained individuals who want to specialize in the field of lighting for theatre and live shows. During the course, students will be offered the opportunity to visit the course sponsors, and visit a lighting setup at the Smeraldo Theatre (home to ‘I Legnanesi’ acting company). A 10% discount will be available for AIDI and AILD associates. The course will take place mainly at the Laboratorio Luce & Colore of Politecnico di Milano.
For information, contact:
Dr. Andrea Siniscalco 02 2399 5696 – –