On 31 October, lighting professionals and designers for touring and television gathered at the Teatro el Nacional in Buenos Aires to see the latest launches of the brand from Seriate, Italy, first-hand. The “Open Day” featured demos and live shows that crowned a new phase for the technology of the national show.
Mauricio Brando, Sales Manager for Latin America, was in charge of the corporate presentation, and gave an overview of Claypaky’s latest milestones and his history in the lighting industry. Market leader since 1976, Claypaky is synonymous with avant-garde and innovation in entertainment lighting, with a great emphasis on optical projects, design, mechanics and electronics. Since 2014, its merger with the Osram family of high-tech lamps has created an innovative synergy that has never before been seen in the market.
Another highlight of the presentation was the review of productions and artists who trust Claypaky when putting on their shows in the world elite: the Olympic Games, Cirque du Soleil, the Academy Awards, the Superbowl, Lady Gaga, the Rolling Stones, Beyonce, Madonna, Bolshoi, the Royal Albert Hall, the Eiffel Tower, and more.
Later, Mirco Segatto, Sales Support Engineer, presented each one of the products displayed in detail, breaking down their features and potential. The new K-Eye moving-head spot, winner of the 2017 Plasa award for innovation, surprised the audience with its high luminous power and fidelity in the reproduction of colours. Its qualities were tested on stage with elements of different colours and shades.
Another outstanding product was Scenius Unico, which offers the versatility of being an excellent spot, wash and beam head, and also has a profile function. Another mobile head that gained attention was the Mythos 2, whose Spot and Beam are all the rage worldwide. The demo of the new Strobo LED Stormy did not disappoint, with Sharbar, its independently moving LED bar, and heads that marked an era such as the Sharpy and B-Eye.
A live show was lastly unveiled, directed by Leonardo Kreimer, which consisted of five artists who displayed their skills with the impressive light design of 38 Scenius Unicos. Shapes and colours were the stars of the event, which started a new phase for lighting in Argentina.