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Accademic year 2010-2011
Master of Politecnico di Milano 
Design Faculty – Indaco department

Direction: prof. Alberto Seassaro, dean of the Design faculty, Politecnico di Milano
Co-Direction: prof. Maurizio Rossi, Politecnico di Milano

The Design faculty of Politecnico di Milano and the INDACO department, offers the seventh edition of the Master’s degree in Lighting Design that gives 60 European Transfer System Credits (ECTS). The aim is to form professionals able to follow the design and productive process of lighting in interiors, urban exteriors, entertainment, temporary and museum environments, paying attention to the analysis of methods, organization a realization of lighting process considering the production process and the innovation of the field of application. The result of the master’s formation is an innovative figure whit skills applicable to the main lighting design activities.

This kind of professional can work in technical offices as well that in lighting companies, lighting design studios or public administration offices.

The Master is realized in contribution with Artemide, Castaldi, Disano, General Electric, iGuzzini and Trilux. The master have the patronage of AIDI, ASSIL and ASSISTAL. Other companies that agreed whit the master are: Cavazzoni, Clay Paky, Coemar, Comi Luce, Cini&Nils, Elettroservice, Elinca, Erco,  Gewiss, GruppoLampe, Light Solutions, Luceplan, Martini Group,  Metis, Norlight, Oxytech, Philips, QLT Archimede, Relco Group, Sacchi, Spotlight, Starlight, Targetti,  Tecnodelta. Media partner:

Subscriptions are open to the new edition of the masters that will take place in the Light Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano. Lectures will be given mainly in Italian.

For information on the didactic program:

Dr. Andrea Siniscalco: tel + 39 02 2399 5696